Hi! I'm Adil Nawaz a Python and Fullstack developer
And Welcome to my Portfolio.
These are some of my top projects here, you can click on any of them and see a video showing the project in action along with the description that I have provided for each of the project. There is also a source code (Github) link at the end, if you would like to check out how I made it.
About Me

Hi, I am Adil Nawaz. Born and raised in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and shifted to NIT Puducherry and completed my B.Tech degree from there this year. I have done some awesome Projects which you can check along with the source code. I have a strong hold in Both Python 3 and Javascript and a good knowledge of Data structures and Algorithms. I also have good grasp in front end of web developent which includes HTML/CSS and flexbox. Also have an intermediate knowledge of Asyncio, which is a python module used for asynchronous programming which makes our code faster and have a good understading of pygame which is also a python module used for making games.
Currently training in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence along with the back end of web development. You can check my upcoming projects in these topics in the project section. You can contact me either from the contact section or in social media links that have provided.