Hi! I'm Adil Nawaz a Python and Fullstack developer

And Welcome to my Portfolio.


These are some of my top projects here, you can click on any of them and see a video showing the project in action along with the description that I have provided for each of the project. There is also a source code (Github) link at the end, if you would like to check out how I made it.


COVID-19 Tracker

Amazon Price

Amazon Price Tracer

Path Finder

Password checker

Password Checker


Space Force

Hacker News

About Me

Hi, I am Adil Nawaz. Born and raised in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and shifted to NIT Puducherry and completed my B.Tech degree from there this year. I have done some awesome Projects which you can check along with the source code. I have a strong hold in Both Python 3 and Javascript and a good knowledge of Data structures and Algorithms. I also have good grasp in front end of web developent which includes HTML/CSS and flexbox. Also have an intermediate knowledge of Asyncio, which is a python module used for asynchronous programming which makes our code faster and have a good understading of pygame which is also a python module used for making games.

Currently training in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence along with the back end of web development. You can check my upcoming projects in these topics in the project section. You can contact me either from the contact section or in social media links that have provided.



Covid 19 Tracker

A LIVE Covid 19 Tracker mady by using REACT.js and Material UI and backed by Firebase. The Project shows a live accurate data of total confirmed cases, recovered and deaths worldwide and also specifically for every country affected by COVID-19. All the data are taken from disease.sh which is an open API for disease related statistics and it constantly regulates and updates the data after every 10 mins.

The project uses chart.js and leaflet to show graphical representation of the cases and all the counties affected worldwide. There is also a dropdown menu showing all the affected country sorted by the total number of confirmed cases till date. The Worldwide map is completly responsive and shows the location of the country when selected from the drop down menu. The graph is made to show the new cases, recovered and deaths happening worldwide everyday for the past 120 days.

You can check the complete deployed version of the project Here: COVID-19 Tracker .


Amazon Price Tracker

This Project is a web scraper which pulls out the data of any given product using the unique Amazon ID which is different for every product in Amazon. By using this ID it opens up the page of that particular product in amazon and pulls out all the information like price, seller, link and description of the product along with the date and time when the data was pulled using Selenium. The same process gets repeated for the required number of product from the user and after taking out all the information, it creates a report in a JSON file format and tells the user about the best product within the price range.

The process is completely automated so the user only needs to enter the product name and price range and selenium will do the rest. The reason for using Selenium instead of Request is that the Amazon website does not provide all the information when the request method is used.


Space Force

A simple two dimensional space shooting game using the python module pygame, in which we need to control a spaceship and the enemy ships will be coming from front. We can complete move our spaceship in all four direction using WSAD from the keyboard. The enemy ships will be constantly shooting at us and we need to shoot back and destroy their spaceship using Space button from keyboard.


Password Checker

Recently, there was a data breach in big tech companies from hacker group and most of the account got hacked along with the password. But unkowingly people are still using the same password for there accounts made in Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. We hear a lot of hacking news on a daily basis. So I made a Password checker to see whether your password was ever been hacked. Now there is a website named have you been pwned which takes your password and check in it's server which has all the leaked account to see whether your password is secure or not.

The problem is we can't even trust this website so I made a program in which you enter your password and the program converts it into hashes and then send the first five character of the hashes. The website response by giving a list of all the passsword in which the first five hashes are same. so if the complete hash code is present in any of the password from the list that means the password of the user was hacked before and the user need to change it, Otherwise its all good.


Path Finder

The projct is based on A* algorithm, which is an informed search algorithm, or a best-first search, meaning that it is formulated in terms of weighted graphs: starting from a specific starting node of a graph, it aims to find a path to the given goal node having the smallest cost (least distance travelled, shortest time). It does this by maintaining a tree of paths originating at the start node and extending those paths one edge at a time until its termination criterion is satisfied. At each iteration of its main loop, A* needs to determine which of its paths to extend. It does so based on the cost of the path and an estimate of the cost required to extend the path all the way to the goal.

The graph used for this particular project is not weighted that means every edge of the tree is taken equally and then applied the searches. The working of the complete algorithm is applied in pygame in which we can visualise how the algorithm actually works.


Hacker News

Get the top tech news of the day. The project is based on web scraping using python module Beautiful Soup 4 from which we can collect the required data from the ycombinator news webpage and convert the data into a JSON file and create a report out of it to get the top tech news of the day and sort the news according to the number of votes it's getting.

After getting the report in the JSON file, the user can check the title and go to the link to read more about it.